
second interview questions

So a candidate has piqued your interest, and you wish to invite them for a second interview. During this second interview, your questions should be more focused to get a good sense of who this person is. You already know that the candidate fits all the necessary criteria to work for your company, so what comes next? A second interview is a perfect time to asses the candidate’s integrity, work ethic, and more. Let’s look at some five-second interview questions you should ask to make the right call.

Second Interview Questions That You Must Ask

  1. How can you contribute to this company?

Right from the start, let the candidate know that you are interested in having them work for you. This question lets the candidate know you are ready to give them a chance. A great candidate will have a solid answer about what they bring to the table for you.

  1. What things do you like about your current job? Dislike?

You want to know what type of environment your potential candidate is coming from. Did this person get along well at their other job? This is something you need to know as it might predict how they behave at your business. Opt for an employee that is heavily involved in all aspects of their current job because they enjoy it. A career-minded individual is always welcomed.

  1. Why do you want to work here?

Speaking of career-minded individuals, this is an important question to ask them. Of all the places they could have worked for, they chose your business. That should make you curious. What did they see in your company? Perhaps the candidate visualizes a future with you – and if so, it might help to know that up front.

  1. What role do you take on a team?

As you start to see this person forming part of your team, you might wonder where they will shine brightest. This question will give you some valuable insight into how they affect the team and culture. Remember that not everyone needs to be a born leader, either. Teams thrive with people who follow as well as those who lead. Armed with this answer you can better figure out where the candidate will be best suited in your company.

  1. What is your expected salary?

This is often a tough question to ask, but it’s also a necessary one. Compensation is significant. You want to be able to meet the salary expectations of your candidate if at all possible. Let them know that this is an important question and to be comfortable expressing what they believe they are worth. Hopefully, the number is something you can both agree on so that you can move forward with the hiring process. Even if it’s not, however, you’ll be glad you asked the question early.

Interview With Confidence

The right candidate will be able to answer these questions comfortably and will already have their eyes on a position. These are only some of the questions you can ask in a second interview, of course. But these second interview questions are vital. Whether you are in need of fresh interview ideas, or new to the interview process, these questions should set you well on your way to asking the right questions.  Best of luck on your search for the right candidate!