
Drafting General Manager Interview Questions? We Can Help!

When it comes to hiring a General Manager, it is crucial you ask the right questions in an interview. Why? It is your first opportunity to assess the candidate’s skills, personality, and leadership style. Moreover, it allows you to determine if the individual is a good cultural fit. Of course, in order to do so you need great questions! Lucky for you, we rounded up ten insightful questions you should ask every candidate. Make sure they are on your list before you enter your next interview!

10 General Manager Interview Questions

1) How would you describe your leadership style?

Because General Managers are in charge of overseeing many employees, it is important they have leadership experience. That being said, you want a leader who trusts their employees to do their jobs. Perfectionists who micromanage their employees often are detrimental to organizations. You need a leader who allows for departments to work autonomously, but avidly ensures they are meeting goals.

2) What are some industry trends you think affect your position in this company?

It is crucial that executives stay up to date on industry trends. In order to effectively strategize, they must be well versed with the competitive landscape. Candidates that lack this knowledge may not be ready for a position of this level yet. This question also shows you which candidates prepared well for this interview!

3) What two things would you change about this company if given the chance?

This is a challenging question! It puts candidates on the spot and tests them. It also gives you insight into their vision for your company. All executives should be able to create a vision and execute it effectively, so this question allows you to see if this candidate is capable of doing so.

4) How would you tell an employee that they are underperforming?

Often times, this question gives interviewers a vision as to what kind of leader this individual is. It is important that leaders be both empathetic but firm. If they are too sensitive, they might allow bad behavior to continue because of their fear of confrontation. On the other hand if they are too authoritative, they may turn employees against them.

5) What department do you lack the most knowledge about?

Because General Managers have to have in depth knowledge across all aspects of business, it is important you know where their strengths and weaknesses are. If they have difficulties with finances, marketing, or etc. it is important you are aware of them.

6) What activities do you engage in to keep a work life balance, if any?

It is important that leaders understand the importance of work life balance. If they don’t, they often push their workaholic tendencies on the employees below them. This is detrimental to the productivity and growth of a business.

7) What is your favorite business book? What did it teach you?

Employees at every level should constantly be trying to increase their industry knowledge and overall business understanding. Reading is how you do just that! By knowing their favorite book, you can get an insight into their decision making rationale, ethics, and so much more.

8) What do you believe our core competencies are? Do those values resonate with you?

This question is important to ask because it will demonstrate their understanding of your company. Furthermore, it will determine whether this candidate aligns with your culture. These are crucial to evaluate when determining if a candidate should move on to the next step in the recruitment process.

9) What is your dream job and why?

This may seem like a strange question if you believe they are interviewing for their dream position. but chances are that is not the case. By understanding where your candidate wants to end up, you can determine if your organization is the best place for them. You want employees who truly want to work for your company, not just people who need a source of income.

10) How would you handle laying off multiple employees?

Often times, managers are forced to make difficult decisions- including hiring and firing. In order to do so, it is important that they are equally compassionate and strong. They need to do what is best for the company, but also show employees they care for them and don’t want to hurt them.

Next time you step into a room to interview a candidate, ensure you are asking these questions! They will not only give you a better idea as to the candidate’s personality, but also whether they are a good fit for your company.

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