
Beyond Cultural Fit – Best Practices For Hiring And Retaining Top Talent

October 6, 2017
October 6, 2017 Lauren Gallagher

Beyond Cultural Fit – Best Practices For Hiring And Retaining Top Talent

Cultural Fit isn’t a new term. But what does it really mean? While there’s no doubt that employees who feel better suited to their company’s culture are happier at work, the term itself can be left to interpretation. Hiring managers might think that new employees have to look or act similar to those that are already part of the organization – even subconsciously.

So how do you look beyond the concept while promoting a healthy and fun work environment? Read on for how to attract and retain top talent, beyond culture.

Better understand your work environment

It’s possible that leadership can get rose-colored glasses about their office vibe. This article from Inc.com offers some high-level points to get you started. Also, survey your employees to see what they enjoy about your culture. Also, ask them about areas for improvement. The recommendation is to do this anonymously to ensure the most honest feedback.

Consider the extroverts and introverts

Think about your office layout and the type of person that would likely thrive in that space. What does your floor plan look like? Extroverts tend to do best in open office environments while for the introverts among us, they can be downright detrimental.

Ask questions in the hiring process that reveal how a candidate functions best. Do they need a quiet space to work? Or do they prefer to mingle closely with those around them?

Don’t be afraid to “mix it up”  Cultural Fit

It takes a variety of personalities to make an organization thrive. Different opinions and insights can make things bumpy at times but they also are a key part of growth. If everyone is always on the same page, you may not experience much friction but “smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”. Look to hire people that aren’t afraid to speak up and question the status quo.

Also, realize that there is a give and take. Culture shouldn’t be a stagnant thing. Someone might not fit the typical “mold” but you believe they will make a positive impact. Give them an opportunity. You might get a pleasant surprise!

What motivates your people?

According to the balance, “There are two different types of motivation. Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from outside of the individual and often involve rewards such as trophies, money, social recognition, or praise. Intrinsic motivations are those that arise from within the individual, such as doing a complicated crossword puzzle purely for the personal gratification of solving a problem.”

Motivation itself can be a tricky word. It’s something that ebbs and flows in all of us. Perhaps the better way to look at it is simply, who is willing to push through at times when they frankly aren’t feelin’ it? What is the light at the end of the tunnel that makes them want to finish a seemingly overwhelming project? Chances are, the top performers are those that manage to work through the energy lulls.

Some example questions to ask during the interview process: “Tell me about a time you went above and beyond what was expected by your manager”, “How do you maintain self-motivation when you experience a setback?”, “Which career goals have you set?”.

Think of workplace culture as a wide net. Getting a good handle on your corporate culture as is, determining commonalities in those who tend to succeed there, and hiring the kind of people that would seemingly thrive in that environment is an excellent start. Setting aside the time and putting in a little extra effort in these capacities can really make a large impact.

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