
What Makes a Great Candidate?

January 16, 2020 TruPath

What Makes a Great Candidate?

Our goal is always to find great candidates for our clients. A “great candidate” can have different meanings depending on the need and the company, but here are some things TruPath  recruiters are on the lookout for.

Cultural Fit

Hiring candidates who fit in with the company culture makes a big difference in retention, productivity, and morale. When looking for a great candidate, TruPath recruiters think about whether the candidate will be a cultural fit. Here are a few things to consider:

  • The company’s mission resonates with the candidate.
  • The candidate’s energy level matches that of the team.
  • The candidate likes to collaborate at a level aligned with the job.
  • The candidate has sense of humor that would be appreciated.
  • Does the candidate prefer to figure things out as they go or do they prefer to follow consistent procedures?
  • How does the candidate handle conflicts?


It doesn’t matter what the company culture is like, nobody wants to work with someone who has a bad attitude. Most candidates will demonstrate a positive attitude in interviews, but a great candidate will give clues demonstrating authenticity such as the following:

  • They are uplifting and helpful to others around them.
  • They show resilience in the face of a challenge.
  • They understand when to work with a smile and when it is appropriate and helpful to bring up issues.
  • They keep their cool under pressure.
  • They are always learning.

Communication Skills

Every job requires some level of communication. The accountant may need to make budgeting recommendations, the mechanic may need to gain information about a mechanical failure, and the designer will need to learn about the parameters and expectations for a project. A great candidate will communicate clearly and respectfully at all times.  Here are some things to watch for when communicating with a great candidate:

  • The candidate answers all of the questions in your email.
  • They respond reasonably promptly or let you know if they will be unavailable.
  • They speak positively about previous experiences.
  • They ask good questions about the opportunity or process.
  • They send confirmations.

If you are a hiring manager, what do you look for in a great candidate? If you are a job seeker, how do you put your best foot forward?

As a trusted recruitment source since 2002, the recruiters at TruPath have a customizable process that helps partners (clients) feel comfortable in their search for top talent. Contact a TruPath team member today to tell us about your hiring needs.